I heart lamb.
Hubby hearts lamb, too.

I love Bacon.
Hubby loves Bacon, too.

What makes Hubby say he loves me over and over?
“So how does Bacon Wrapped Lamb Chops sound?”

Feel like your man hasn’t been saying it often enough? Make him these. I’m pretty sure he’ll love them. And they’re super easy to make, too!

Start with a rack of lamb. You can buy them from the butcher, and if you do, ask Mr. Butcher sir to french them for you. Luckily, a particular market nearby sells them pre-frenched. If you like, trim some of the fat off too. The bacon will help keep the lamb moist, even though it’s perfectly well-cooked.

How I love them for it, too.

Alrighty, since bacon is being used to cover these luscious lamb babies up, we don’t need to add any salt. Just grab some P and sprinkle it evenly on both sides. You can use any other spices you like, but remember that Chimichurri recipe? I paired these lamb pops with that, so it doesn’t need much. There’s enough flavour in the bacon and the sauce.

After seasoning, grab a pack of bacon and get wrapping. Use any bacon smokiness/flavour of choice… I used maple. It added a lovely touch of sweetness.

So after you give the chops a nice little wrapping (1 lamb chop + 1 bacon strip), place them with the bacon ends down and lay them on a baking sheet. Stick a sheet of tin foil on your baking sheet if you like, but it’s not necessary. I would recommend giving the pan a quick splash of non-stick cooking spray, though. Bacon fat tends to stick a bit and thus leaves a certain husband picking at leftover bacon bits…

Okay, that was a lie.
I was picking at the bacon bits.

Alrighty, bake these in your oven at 350 until the bacon is crispy, take it out and let it rest for about 5 minutes before serving them up. Don’t be surprised if they don’t make it to 5 minutes. That sure didn’t happen in my kitchen…

Crispy bacon, juicy lamb… yumm…

You’ll notice that these lamb chops get well-cooked. If you have thicker chops, you’ll most likely get a medium on these, but no worries. It’s not sacrilege to eat fully-cooked lamb (I know a lot of people, including myself, prefer lamb to be medium/medium rare), because trust me, this is so moist (thank you bacon), you don’t even care.

Want another photo?

*hands you a towel to clean up your drool*
You’re welcome.

What you’ll need:
12 Lamb chops, frenched with the fat trimmed
12 Strips of Bacon,
Black Pepper
Non-stick cooking spray
